All the basics... and more
Discover the people behind the data with key details (how they joined, location, favorite email format, browser, last website visit, total order value, AOV, etc.)

Learn their preferences
Become your subscribers’ favorite by sending personalized campaigns matching their favorite products, brands, and categories, sent at their peak engagement time.

Keep them happy
Track their Net Promoter Score and their Feedback to see how you can keep them satisfied, loyal, and engaged.

Assess their loyalty
See how competitive your customers are, which actions they prefer to keep themselves in the game, as well as which rewards they claim to make them come back for more.

Monitor referrals
Check how effective your referral marketing efforts are and who are your real brand ambassadors so you can show your appreciation.

Get in touch directly
Send one-on-one emails or text messages to your subscribers right from their contact profile to spark private conversations instantly.
Assess email and SMS responses, open rates, click rates, and conversions
Track website visits, product views, clicks, and products added to cart
Discover patterns and behavioral trends
Create personalized experiences based on individual preferences

Assess individual value using the RFM framework
Manage marketing preferences
Leave notes
Track your customers’ current stage and guide them along the Sales Funnel