Scale your brand with reliable & engaging SMS marketing
Transform customer experiences and send discounts, price alerts, reminders, updates, and custom campaigns that your audience will actually read.
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Reach out effectively

No more A/B testing subject lines hoping for better open rates. With SMS campaigns, your messages will always get noticed.

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Earn their trust

Use a country-specific virtual long number (VLN) to build customer trust from the phone’s first beep.

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Segment like a pro

Use theMarketer’s advanced segmentation features to send your campaigns based on shopping activity, engagement, demographics, and more.

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Personalize messages

Connect personally with your contacts at scale. Use custom fields, automations, and tags to make your campaigns unique to each subscriber.

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Schedule with ease

Whether you want to schedule your campaigns for later, send them right away, in batches, or at the optimal time for each subscriber, time is on your side.

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Make the most of it

Leverage A/B testing for sending times and content, resend unopened campaigns automatically and keep track of performance with detailed analytics.

Money-making campaigns
Boost your profits while sending fewer, more relevant messages.
  • 0 Text your customers discounts, promo codes, or special offers at scale that will get read in 99% of cases
  • 1 Turn data into cash with personalized messages and product recommendations that encourage conversions
  • 2 Set up automations to keep the conversations going
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Send texts the way you want to
Adapt the scope of your audience based on your various needs
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Create bulk campaigns to let all subscribers know about flash sales, latest arrivals, or not-to-be-missed updates

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Segment your campaigns based on shopping behavior, tags & more for immediate impact

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Send individual messages to build rapport and start one-on-one conversations

Get the conversation going
Build deeper connections, and make it easy for customers to reach back to you. Access a world of engagement possibilities, create and customise interactive marketing campaigns, and gather critical feedback from your customers.
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Let it roll
Give customers one-to-one attention without taking up all of yours. Improve your customer experience with seamless journeys, where email, SMS, and push notification campaigns go hand-in-hand. Send texts with pinpoint precision, anticipate customer needs based on their previous behavior, and send dynamic product recommendations automatically using theMarketer’s pre-built flows.
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Your own omnichannel solution
Combine multiple channels to get the highest level of engagement, all from a single platform.
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Email Campaigns

Leverage personalization & visual content and build long-lasting relationships.

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SMS Campaigns

Build urgency through time-sensitive, personalized offers.

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Push Campaigns

Retarget shoppers and deliver short yet impactful messages.